Finally I had a minute to download the video of the long, long, long, long trip across the country! If only I had a little more time, I would edit it to include the sound track, which is nothing but birds singing all day long, but pretty funny background music to a long drive!
We’ve been here a few weeks now, I don’t know exactly since I haven’t kept track of time. But as you can see a little bit of by the videos, the house was a ‘house of many colors’ when we moved in! No insult to the previous owner, but nothing matched any of our things. So I started with the intention of painting two rooms, and finally stopped (had to stop, the movers got here!) after I’d painted everything BUT two rooms! 🙂 It looks much more like home now! I’ll take some video once I get all the curtains and pictures up on the walls.
Boy, every time I move I wonder how on earth anyone can take something this big on! I’m still wondering… So far we’ve had mostly rain to introduce to our new weather accommodations. I hear it’s going to get nice and warm and toasty in the summer. We have a fully shaded backyard by mid day though, thanks to the woods behind the house. So that will hopefully help.
This little house is nothing like our Vista house. It’s smaller, and it’s not anything close to the quality of that beautiful home we had. But I’m thankful. Genuinely. Things could have gone a lot worse and are going a lot worse for many people in this economy. Right now, for us, things are looking nothing but promising here in ‘music city’. The town has been very warm and welcoming to us. (well, except for that one lady around the corner who has some kind of a bone to pick, but that’s another story).
It does put a bit of a pit in my stomach to stop and realize how far away we are from everybody. Driving that entire way without stopping except to sleep really revealed to us just how far away this really is! My precious little dogs were sooo good in the car! Day after day of unending boredom, and they just held up like little soldiers! The birds actually did the same. They are quite cozy and familiar with the doggies now. 🙂
Hope the little video clip fills you in on a bit. I sure do miss everyone!
That’s my verse (Joshua 1:9) – It blessed me when we came to San Diego and I knew no one – May it do the same for you. Doggies look happy:) Pretty woods and greenery that we surely don’t have here……..
Love U both,